Vehicle Forecast System for a Global Mobility Provider

The organization works with all major OEMs, 95% of the top Tier 1 suppliers, auto dealers, and financial institutions to provide insights that lead to more effective, profitable business decisions. They offer used vehicle sales and service information (CARFAX®); new vehicle sales and marketing services (automotiveMastermind®); strategy, planning, and products such as forecasts, dealer solutions, compliance, and market statistics; and access to experts.

Business Challenge  

Customers craved forecasts at a level of granularity that legacy systems couldn’t handle, nor could the analyst support within the limited time available to produce them. They needed a powerful, efficient tool that could leverage the work of data scientists to effectively produce the forecasts required.

JRD Solution 

To meet the organization’s requirements, JRD developed a suite of applications that allows forecast analysts to produce detailed vehicle forecasts for their clients.

Key Benefits

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